For a trade war with the uswashington understands what the devaluation of the yuan can result in, first of all, for the united states america does not need such a development probably in an effort to prevent an undesirable scenario, accusations against beijing of using the yuan in a trade war follow with relative regularity however, for many years, without encountering any serious resistance from countries against which the united states.
Imposed sanctions, americans simply forget that in addition to exchange rates and the financial economy, there is also a real economy a trade war could freeze us lng export projects moreover, the matter to existing mobile number list have is not limited only to some factories or other objects everything is much more serious interesting fact: from to july , the yuan was pegged to the us dollar with an exchange rate of : only on july , , the prc abandoned the peg of the yuan.
The dollar and raised the national currency by % now the dollar exchange rate against the yuan is on average: usd = cny it turns out that beijing,n, begins to dictate its own conditions to it at the same time, neither a powerful "War machine" nor the ability of the fed to print as many dollars as necessary to cover all expenses helps the latter there are, of course, other tools, but now they.
Are almost of no use it turns out that the world reserve currency loses to the yuan the reason is that the american currency provides financial markets, the chinese one - the real sector of the economy at the same time, the yuan is gradually gaining more and more importance in trade between countries, displacing the dollar the united states adopted new anti-russian sanctions due to the salisbury incident, and in a few months, the second.