From a certain digital mindset and make the best use of mobile number list of new media and certain technologies. These worlds can therefore act as a "bridge" towards a full understanding of reality, an understanding that extends into all those aspects that are hidden from reality but which China Phone Number List nevertheless exists, and which are primarily the most subtle and "true" aspects, starting with those of the human mind. In addition to all those previously mentioned, one of the most interesting ones to focus attention on is that of the associative mind, the mind that proceeds by analogy and which is substantially promoted by the web.
Perhaps constitutes its substantial basis. It is precisely the hypertext mechanism that favours this type of reticular connections, thematic associations that change the modus operandi of the mind and of reasoning, associating one theme with another theme and then referring another fact to one fact. We China Phone Number List does not proceed linearly, as we said, passing within the same theme through its temporal development, always remaining, however, on the same one. Here we move from topic to topic, whether it's a historical fact, a nation, an ideology, a football team, or a musical style, in a horizontal sequence.
Psychological one, to that of daily life, up to that of a purely spiritual nature. The centred man, sovereign of himself, will also be able to benefit from the world of the Internet, he does not capitulate in the face of the "infodemic" for example, or that excess of information that is present on the net, and which risks sending mush the brains, researched, read, or as they say in jargon "googled". After all, as Jean Baudrillard would say, "Instead of transforming China Phone Number List mass into energy, information produces more and more mass" (, p. ). The self-possessed man will be able to benefit from this mass of information and sources, as Sartori himself says.