Alexandrova N.A., as a tool for assessing the impact of personnel training programs on productivity improvement, cites the methodology developed by Honeywell, according to which this impact can be determined in value terms by the formulawhere P is the duration of the impact of the training program on labor productivity and performance indicators; N is the number of trained workers; M is the cost estimate of the difference in labor productivity between the best and average workers performing the same work; K is a coefficient that characterizes the effect of training employees (increase in performance, expressed in shares);
Z is the cost of training one employee. The considered main approaches to assessing the effectiveness of staff training indicate a variety of indicators, which in turn complicates their calculation and whatsapp mobile number list affects the uncertainty of the final result. In this regard, there is a need for an integrated approach to assessing the effectiveness of staff training simultaneously from the standpoint of the significance, productivity and quality of work of employees and the organization of their work, as well as the final results of the organization's activities.
The assessment of personnel development using this approach allows you to evaluate the learning process, the result of training and, no less important, the impact of training on the financial and economic performance of the enterprise (Figure 3). Model for assessing the effectiveness of training Figure 3 - Model for evaluating the effectiveness of training by D. Kirpatrick Considering that most professions in the field of modern information technology and creative industries are creative.